More intense and effective supervision remains a core element on the supervisory and regulatory agenda. It allows supervisory authorities to promote best practices, and identify and address risks before they become serious problems at financial institutions. Keeping financial institutions safe and sound hinges on good supervision. The bank failures of March 2023 showed that there was room for improvement in supervisory practices in many areas.
This virtual, five-half day, cross-sectoral program examines risk monitoring, stress testing, and business model analysis. It also focuses on supervisory approaches, techniques, tools, and (use of) corrective and sanctioning powers, and the need to address unclear mandates, inadequate powers, and lack of independence and resources. The work ahead on more effective supervision will focus on drivers of supervisory empowerment and the measurement of supervisory effectiveness.
For further information, please email Priscilla Mensah, Program Coordinator: [email protected]
This course will be taught by Toronto Centre program leaders who have a wealth of highly relevant experience to share with participants in order to help them carry out their work in line with international best practices and to address challenges that they may encounter in their supervisory and regulatory work.
More details on the presenters will be provided at a later date. Please access more information about the CFS designation here.
Quizzes and an examination will be administered during the program. Daily multiple-choice quizzes test theoretical knowledge, while a final exam tests practical applications of the program content. Participants must pass the quiz and final exam in order to proceed along the CFS journey.
Participants from ODA* Countries
Regular fee: US$1,300
Early bird fee: Early bird fee: US$925 (available until February 21, 2025)
Participants from Non-ODA Countries
Program fee: US$1,600
No early bird discount is available
*Please refer to the Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipients list here.
Pre-reading will be required. Materials will be sent out to registered participants at least two weeks before the program starts.
Registration for this program is now open.
Participants will be required to join an introductory icebreaker session on Thursday, April 3, 2025.
This is a mandatory Level 2 program for the Certified Financial Supervisor (CFS) designation. The program is also open to individuals not wishing to pursue the designation.
Participants should have at least three years of working experience in supervision, analysis or policy, and be proficient in English.
Financial institutions may fail due to underlying issues in their business models. Flawed business models may lead to inadequate capital, consumer misconduct, money laundering or market harm. The rece.. Read More
Stress testing should be a critical element of risk management for most financial institutions. It should alert boards and senior management to potential adverse outcomes related to a broad range of r.. Read More
The nature of retail conduct supervision, which can often be more prescriptive and rules based, can result in different approaches to intervention. This TC Note and accompanying podcast discusses how.. Read More