About Toronto Centre
Toronto Centre was founded in response to concerns that financial crises resulted, in part, from weak financial sector supervision and with an understanding of the significant contribution that strong supervision can make to financial stability and economic development.
We have earned an international reputation for excellence in delivering capacity-building programs to financial sector regulators and supervisors. Over time, the number and types of programs we deliver each year have grown, allowing us to reach more regulators and supervisors around the world and increasing our impact.
Published an Op-Ed Article in The Globe and Mail
Governor Timothy N.J. Antoine wrote about climate risk and responding to Hurricane Beryl.
Hosted a Two-Day workshop on blended finance
Discussing the barriers, opportunities, and implications for financial stability and supervision.
Published TC Insights and hosted a webinar series on the revised Core Principles for effective banking supervision
Hosted a roundtable discussion about blended finance during the IMF/World Bank Group Spring Meetings
Delivered our First CFS Level 2 Program
Effective Supervision
Published an Op-Ed Article in The Globe and Mail
Governor Timothy N.J. Antoine wrote about financial innovation as a climate crisis solution.
Celebrated the First Class of CFS Level 1 Graduates
Convened the First Annual International Senior Management Workshop on Climate and Biodiversity Loss Risks
In partnership with the Network for Greening the Financial System.
Hosted a Fireside Chat in Ottawa on Building Climate Resiliency Through Financial Reforms
Published a Toolkit for Developing a Deposit Insurance Scheme
Launched our TC Insights Series, Discussing the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse
Celebrated Our 25th Anniversary with a Fireside Chat in Ottawa Discussing Climate Change, Finance, and Development
Held virtual executive panel for International Women's Day on Breaking the Gender Bias in Finance
Held virtual executive panel during International Development Week on Inclusive Finance in Turbulent Times
Published Gender Aware Supervision Toolkit
In partnership with USAID.
Releases Toronto Centre's 2021 Year in Review
14 webinars, 11 publications, 37 podcasts, and 95 programs for over 3,000 financial supervisors
Published Climate Risk Toolkit
Published joint report with USAID on Sex-Disaggregated Data
How Regulators Use Sex-Disaggregated Data and RegTech to Enhance Financial Inclusion
Held Virtual Executive Panel featuring Mark Carney and Sri Mulyani
Transitioning to a Green Economy: Financial Stability Implications
Held Virtual Executive Panel at International Development Week to bring supervisors into the blended finance discussion
Utilizing Blended Finance to Help Developing Countries Build Back Better
Published Guide to Supervision in the COVID-19 World
First VSGA
Virtual Supervisory Guidance Assistance
First Virtual Program
Delivered in March 2020
Established Crisis Centre of Excellence
Launched podcast series
Launched Honduras Women’s Financial Inclusion program
First country-level Core Curriculum Certificate Course delivered
in Zambia
First essay competition
Which focused on gender
First climate programs delivered
Implementing Green Capital Markets (Morocco), Coping with Climate Change and Other Environmental
Began partnership with Comic Relief/Jersey Overseas Aid
First joint financial crisis management exercise
for Nordic-Baltic countries to remotely test their respective crisis management capabilities and
Featured in The Economist
“Global Microscope 2018: The Enabling Environment for Financial Inclusion”
Established 3 Communities of Practice
100 crisis programs delivered
Established International Women’s Day Scholarship
20th anniversary
established John Palmer Scholarships to honour one of our founders
Launched webinar series
with “Climate Risk and Its Implications for Financial Stability”
First two-week intensive Core Curriculum Certificate Course
10,000 participants trained
First Executive Panel with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group
“Financial Sector Regulatory and Supervisory Best Practices"
60 programs delivered this year
A record high
5,000 participants trained
First Long-Term Country Engagement delivered
First microfinance program delivered
20 programs delivered this year
A record high
First pensions program delivered
Toronto Centre assumes the international training programs
formerly offered by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada (OSFI)
First crisis program and simulation delivered
Sida becomes a funder
1,000 participants trained
International Monetary Fund becomes a funder
First banking program delivered
Toronto Centre is established
with the support of the Government of Canada, World Bank, and Schulich School of Business