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Executive Panel: Nature-Related Risks, Macroeconomic Impacts, and Transition Planning
Thursday, Oct 26, 2023

Executive Panel: Nature-Related Risks, Macroeconomic Impacts, and Transition Planning

Central banks and supervisors need to consider climate change and biodiversity loss, which are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Looking ahead, dealing with nature-related risks may also involve transition plans. Transition plans are crucial to credible implementation.

The panel discussed:

  • how central banks and supervisors should adjust to better capture climate-related impacts;
  • the effects of tighter monetary policy on climate investments in industrialized economies and their implications for emerging markets and developing economies; and,
  • what transition plans should entail and the objectives they should serve.

Opening Remarks:

The Honourable Ahmed HussenMinister of International Development, Government of Canada


The Honourable John RwangombwaGovernor, National Bank of Rwanda

Sabine Mauderer, Vice-Chair, Network for Greening the Financial System; Board Member, Deutsche Bundesbank

Jean-Paul ServaisChair, IOSCO Board; Chair, Belgium's Financial Services and Markets Authority

Stefan Ingves, Chair, Toronto Centre; Former Governor, Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden)


Jean Pesme, Global Director, Finance, Competitiveness & Innovation, World Bank

Read the transcript here. Read their biographies here.

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