Toronto Centre provides high quality capacity building programs and guidance for financial supervisors and regulators, primarily in developing nations, to advance financial stability and inclusion. Since inception, Toronto Centre has trained over 28,000 officials from 190 jurisdictions.

Fireside Chat: The Future of Central Banking
Monday, Apr 17, 2023

Fireside Chat: The Future of Central Banking

In celebration of our 25th anniversary, we hosted a reception and fireside chat featuring Toronto Centre board chair and former Governor of the Central Bank of Sweden, Stefan Ingves. Mr. Ingves recently retired as the Governor after serving a 17-year term. He shared his perspectives on how cyber risk, digital currencies, climate change, and payment systems are changing the future of central banking.

Opening Remarks:

Tobias Adrian, Financial Counsellor and Director. Monetary and Capital Markets, International Monetary Fund (IMF)


Stefan Ingves, Chair, Toronto Centre; Former Governor, Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden)


Jennifer Elliott, Advisor, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, IMF

Read their biographies here. Read the transcript here.

Listen to the Podcast:

Watch the Fireside Chat:

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