International Women’s Day: Using Data to Close the Gender Gap
Friday, Mar 10, 2023

International Women’s Day: Using Data to Close the Gender Gap

The Global Findex 2021 revealed a reduction in the gender gap from 9% to 6% in access to formal financial services in developing economies. This is a positive indication that changes in mindset and practice are shifting the norms. 

The speakers from Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA), MiCrédito, and Toronto Centre discussed:

  • their respective experiences, insights, and strategies to deepen women’s access to finance;
  • the value of gender-disaggregated data collection and analysis for financial supervisors and financial service providers; and
  • how to further close the gender gap in finance. 


Petronella Chigara Dhitima - Program Leader, Toronto Centre

Verónica Herrera - Chief Executive Officer, MiCrédito


Lindsay Wallace - Senior Vice President, Strategy & Impact, MEDA

Read their biographies here. Read the transcript here.

Listen to the Podcast:

Écoutez le podcast en français ici.

Escuche el podcast en español aqui.

Watch the Panel Discussion: