Tuesday, Dec 21, 2021
Gender-Aware Supervision Toolkit
Many governments, businesses, policymakers, and supervisory authorities understand the importance of gender and gender inclusion in our fast-evolving world. Yet for supervisory authorities, it is not always clear how gender and gender inclusion relate to their supervisory mandate and what they tangibly can do to promote great gender inclusion. In collaboration with USAID, Toronto Centre designed this toolkit to assist financial supervisors from emerging markets with integrating gender dimensions into their supervisory practices. It is a practical, hands-on resource intended to highlight the relevance of gender inclusion and awareness to supervisory authorities and support them in taking their next steps towards more gender-aware supervision.
The toolkit, First Step: Integrating Gender into Technology-Enabled Financial Sector Supervision, is intended to help supervisory authorities at all levels of gender-awareness. The modular format allows supervisors to customize their learning based on their organization’s starting point - be it through step-by-step guidance on the foundational aspects of gender-awareness thinking, better harnessing technology to enhance existing practices and understandings, or integrating gender aspects in day-to-day supervision. The modules are designed to be flexed to account for different market, technological and regulatory contexts to ensure they are useful across a wide variety of institutional contexts.
To help supervisors with navigating the toolkit, Toronto Centre has provided the following resources.
Immediately below is a webinar discussion with the toolkit’s authors. They dive into how to deploy the toolkit in a supervisory authority and discuss the benefits of taking a gender-aware approach to supervision. In addition, representatives of some of Toronto Centre’s founders and funders discuss the importance of gender-aware supervision.
Also on this page are podcasts in which two authorities discuss their experience of piloting using toolkit materials and how their organizations benefited.
More Helpful Tools
This podcast discusses Kenya's experience testing the toolkit materials and how their organizations benefited from the Gender-Awareness Supervision Toolkit. Read the Transcript here. Read their biographies here.
Este podcast discutirá la experiencia de Columbia probando los materiales del kit de herramientas y cómo sus organizaciones se beneficiaron del kit de herramientas de supervisión de la conciencia de género. Lea la transcripción aquí. Lea sus biografías aquí.
Toolkit Resources:
Download the full toolkit here